Electoral Circumstances
Last Election
On Novemeber 2nd, 2010 Senator Chuck Schumer won his 3rd re-election. He is highly popular in the State of New York, so there wasn't much doubt that he would win the election in 2010 after winning his 2004 election against Howard Mills (republican) by 71% to 24%. He won popular vote in 2010 against Jay Townsend (republican) by a 65% to a 33%. He won over 2 million votes in his last election. Almost all of the counties in his state voted in his favor.
http://elections.nytimes.com/2010/results/new-york (NBC and nytimes are well known news and media source)
Primary Election
Schumer's outlook for 2016 looks pretty solid. He has been in office for a long period of time and he seems to have most of the state of New York on his side. I have been trying to find out what people re saying but it doesn't seem like people are saying much about this election. I think that is saying that people are not feeling strongly against Schumer since he has been in office for awhile I don't think they have much to say about him being re-elected again.
General Election
As for the general election there has been some word that a colleague of Schumer might run for president. According to The Huffington Post (another well known news and media source) the is word that Hillary Clinton may run for president again in the 2016 election. It is unknown if she will for sure run but she is considering it and doesn't want to rush into making decisions. Schumer fully supports Clinton if she does decide to run for president.
Current Prediction
The outlook for Charles Schumer looks pretty good for the 2016 election. He has been re-elected many times before this election and it seems like the people of New York really like him as their Senator. The only issue I would see is that some people may not like the fact that he supports Clinton if she does run for president. I don't really see that affecting him a whole bunch during the election, since New York is a pretty solid blue state, and because he is popular among his people.
2012 Vote
For the 2012 election the state of New York voted for Obama instead of Romney at a percentage of 63.35% for Obama and a 35.17% for Romney. That is a pretty big of percentage between democratic and republican for a state that is suppose to be a pretty decent blue state since their senator is democratic and have been there since 1998. It seems to be that Schumer likes being in the minority,"It is actually fun. It is really fun to be in the minority," he tells The Huffington Post. "You have a little more freedom in the minority. It is easier to take a theme, stick to it and constantly go after it." In this video Schumer talks about what went wrong for the Democratic Party in the 2014 midterm elections and some insight on what his plans are for 2016.
Campaign Finance Status
It looks like to me that Schumer is pretty well set on raising money and getting money for his campaign. He seems to have many fundraising events throughout his terms to help with his financing. During the years of 2009 to 2014 his cycle fundraising from his campaign says he raised $25,578,359 and he spent $22,739,439 and he has $13,409,983 cash on hand with no debts according to OpenSecrets. Something else that I found out was interesting was the list of the top contributors for Schumer with the most being $543,490 from Goldman Sachs and the least being $157,150 from Blackstone Group. Out of his whole career (from 1998-2014) he has raised $72,315,486 and has spent $59,748,888.
There have been some questions about how they get this money and how it works to fundraise so if you would like to know more I would refer you to read the CRS Campaign Fiance Report starting on page 12 about soft money.
Major Issues
There have been a couple issues that Schumer has been trying to get through with being the minority. He is trying to help with a better economy and trying to be more involved with the more Affordable Health Care Act even though the democrats are in the minority. Supporting Hillary Clinton might be another issue for Schumer if the people do not want Clinton to run, like I have said before. He also gives a strong opinion on Obamacare in this article. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2014/11/28/How-Obama-Marginalized-Democratic-Party
(This is known site for business,economics, finance and politics)